The schools WiFi details are:
Password: RAS_W_123Fbj9Ab179
Due to it having a Halton internet feed, you will need to use a proxy to access the internet.
- Firstly connect to the WiFi using the details above
- Open internet explorer
- Click settings (little cog in the top right corner)
- Internet options
- Click the connections tab
- LAN Settings
- Tick “use a proxy server for your LAN”
- Enter the details: address = port = 8080
- Tick Bypass proxy server for local addresses

You will then need to install the HBC Smoothwall certificate
- Open Internet Explorer
- Go to the web page
- Click Download certificate
- Click Open -
- Install Certificate
- Local Machine
- You may be prompted to enter an admin password, if this is the case, click cancel/no and select Current User instead
- Click Place all certificates in the following store
- Browse and select Trusted Root Certification Authorities
- Next
- Finish
- You should get a message to say The import was successful
- Click ok and you can now access the Internet.